Actions developed to rely on ERDF, ESF and FSC funds

Scope: 2007-2013 Community programme


ERDF Regione Liguria tenders

The Region of Liguria has in recent years issued specific calls for research and innovation projects for SMEs participating in DLTM and Polo DLTM, some in collaboration with large companies and research organizations, for a total appropriation of resources amounting to 16.8 million euro.

Here is a summary of the results:

  • First FESR call (ed. 2011): 28 projects financed with a value of over €10m and funding of over €5m involving eleven large companies and 63 SMEs, in collaboration with UNIGE and EPR.
  • 2° Notice ERDF (Ed. 2012): 40 projects initially presented with a value of over €20m, involving nine large companies and 75 SMEs, in collaboration with UNIGE and EPR.


FSC call (ex. FAS)-Poli di Ricerca Regione Liguria

As for the FSC research unit funds of €15m, the district team has had three projects approved.

These are now under way at a total cost of about €3.4m and with financing of some €1.83m.


Youth plan

Participation in three specialist training projects financed by the Piano Giovani of the Ligurian region (specialist postgraduate courses in 3D/4D, FEM and CFD, hydrologist specialising in monitoring systems for marine weather events, specialist in integrated management systems)


Two-year research grants based on ESF Liguria regional funds

More than 40 projects to fund 80 two-year bursaries for young researchers, based on ESF Liguria regional funds, gradually depleting in 2015 with a total of €4m;

This has provided significant job opportunities for the young people involved, mostly in companies


Centre for Research and Innovation (PoloDLTM)

Fifty percent co-financed during the startup phase (2012-2014) from regional funds, and currently the subject of new infrastructure investment for 2015-2017. Among the main activities carried out in the first phase were the creation of research laboratories and of an innovation desk for SMEs, and the conclusion of a feasibility study by the International School of Marine Technology.


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