Financed by ENPI-CBC-MED funds, MEDSEATIES is a cross-border cooperation project that coordinates local action for the integrated management of coastal zones.

Duration: January 2014 - December 2015

DLTM is a partner in the project, led by AVITEM, France.

Financed by ENPI-CBC-MED funds, MEDSEATIES is a cross-border cooperation project that coordinates local action for the integrated management of coastal zones. The partnership is composed of 12 players from Italy, France, Greece, Lebanon, and Jordan.

The project is in an advanced state of implementation. After gathering data on the current state of coastal management in these five countries, the partnership is preparing a pilot project involving:

  1. A bottom-up approach to the management of a stretch of coastline (from citizens and stakeholders to institutions);
  2. An example of good practice that can be exported to other countries and financed under the new ENPI CBC MED 2014-2020 programme.


In Liguria, the pilot involved five municipalities along the coast of Genoa, the community of Prà, to the West of the city, and local amateur sports associations and educational and training bodies.